1. Dynemech Anti Vibration Table DIT-AM has natural frequency in the range of 2.5-3 Hz along with self-leveling feature.
  2. Available self-leveling accuracy is ± 0.015 mm and ± 0.15 mm with minimum setting time, depending upon the application requirement.
  3. Membrane air springs are used which damps most of the incoming vibrations above 10 Hz.
  4. Top granite surface plate has flatness accuracy of Grade 00.
  5. Bottom leveling feet DLM provide leveling and vibration reduction.
  6. Level difference on top of the granite surface due to any load change and the equipment is compensated within milliseconds.
  7. Metrology Equipments, High Precision Weighing Balances, TGA , Digital Hardness Testers, High Resolution Microscopes, surface roughness testers, etc.

Metrology Equipments, High Precision Weighing Balances, TGA , Digital Hardness Testers, High Resolution Microscopes, surface roughness testers, etc.

Model Length
Surface Plate
DIT-AM/01 500 500 800-1000 80
DIT-AM/01/s1 630 630 800-1000 80
DIT-AM/02 750 500 800-1000 80
DIT-AM/03 900 600 800-1000 100
DIT-AM/04 1000 800 800-1000 150